Get started
Step 1: Fork
To get started, you first need to fork (opens in a new tab) the Starter Kit repository (opens in a new tab).
More information on what’s a fork (opens in a new tab) and how to work with forks (opens in a new tab).
Step 2: Cloning your repository
Clone (opens in a new tab) your repository to start to do some edits on your marketplace.
Step 3: Install
Run the following command in your terminal:
npm install
This will install all the dependencies to run your marketplace.
Step 4: Configure
To run your application, a few environmental variables need to be set.
Copy the .env.example
to .env
, then replace all the values according to your setup. You can find more details on the configuration page.
Step 5: Run your marketplace
Everything is now ready to run your marketplace.
npm run dev
Your application is now accessible at http://localhost:3000.
Last updated on December 20, 2022